Analysis The Level of Understanding of the People of Besilam Village Towards Cash Waqf
Understanding, Waqf, Money, CashAbstract
Waqf is one of the Islamic financial instruments that aims to help Muslims in achieving benefits. In Indonesia, people have been familiar with waqf since the introduction of Islam in Indonesia around the 13th century, and cash waqf has been recognised in Indonesia since the issuance of the cash waqf fatwa by DSN MUI in 2012. Cash waqf has advantages over immovable waqf because it can be managed and developed in both the real and financial sectors. The potential of cash waqf in Indonesia is very large, but the realisation of cash waqf collected in Indonesia is still far from its potential due to the low level of public understanding of cash waqf. This study aims to analyse the level of understanding of the community in Besilam village, Langkat district against cash waqf. The population used in this study was the entire community of Besilam village, Langkat district and the sample was taken as many as 60 people. The sample selection technique uses accidental sampling The data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the level of understanding of the village community Besilam Langkat district against cash waqf is in the category enough but close to the percentage of the low category. It takes socialisation from parties related to cash waqf in the village and cooperation with universities so that people understand more about this cash waqf.
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