Designing and Building a Motorcycle Security System Based on the Internet of Things
Theft, Motorbike, Iot, Security, Arduino UnoAbstract
Motorbikes are a means of transportation widely used in Indonesia and are easy to buy and sell. However, sometimes they are not equipped with valid vehicle documents with a selling price that is enough to use for one month. Perhaps it is based on the consideration that the perpetrators of the crime of motorbike theft never end, and what is added is that the work time only takes a matter of seconds. Much research has been carried out to help prevent the recurrence of the problem of motorbike theft, but based on the author's analysis, there are still shortcomings in the results of the research conducted. Therefore, the author tried combining a motorbike security system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and GPS in this research. The research steps start from data collection, needs analysis, system design, system implementation, testing, and conclusion. From the results of the tests, a conclusion was drawn that the designed system could function well. Moreover, for future research, it is recommended that the system be equipped with a camera to detect faces.
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