Optimization Analysis of Thermoelectric Generator Characteristics in The Conversion of HeatEnergy to Electrical Energy


  • Abdul Rahim Siregar Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Adi Sastra Pengalaman Tarigan Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Hikmatul Fadhila Sianipar Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


Thermoelectric Generator, Energy Conversion, Temperature Difference, Characteristic Optimization.


This study analyzes the optimization of thermoelectric generator (TEG) characteristics type TEC1-12706 to convert heat energy into electrical energy. The study focuses on measuring the open voltage (Voc) and current (I) generated by thermoelectric in various configurations (single, two series, and two parallel) with variations in temperature difference (∆T). The test results show a linear relationship between ∆T and thermoelectric output characteristics. In a single configuration, the approximate equations are Voc = 0.0275∆T - 0.036 and I = 0.0046∆T + 0.0017. In a two series configuration, the approximate equations are Voc = 0.0513∆T - 0.046 and I = 0.0054∆T + 0.0043. Meanwhile, for the two parallel configuration, the approximate equation Voc = 0.0253∆T - 0.0203 and I = 0.0057∆T + 0.0039. This test shows that the two series configuration produces the highest voltage, while the two parallel configuration provides a larger current. Thus, these results can be a reference in the design and development of optimal thermoelectric generators for applications converting heat energy into electrical energy.


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How to Cite

Rahim Siregar, A., Sastra Pengalaman Tarigan, A., & Fadhila Sianipar, H. (2024). Optimization Analysis of Thermoelectric Generator Characteristics in The Conversion of HeatEnergy to Electrical Energy. International Conferance Of Digital Sciences And Engineering Technology , 1(1), 374–382. Retrieved from https://proceeding.pancabudi.ac.id/index.php/ICDSET/article/view/253