The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Profitability on the Value of Banking Companies Listed on the IDX in the 2018-2022 Period
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Profitability; Company ValueAbstract
This research aims to determine the influence of corporate social responsibility (csr) and profitability on the value of banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2018-2022 period. The independent variables used in this research are corporate social responsibility (csr) and profitability, while the dependent variable in this research is company value. The type of research used is associative research which uses quantitative methods. The population used in this research is 6 banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2018-2022 period, with samples taken using the purposive sampling method. This type of research data is secondary data, using a data collection method that can be accessed via the BEI website. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression. The research results show that corporate social responsibility (csr) and profitability have a positive and significant effect on company value. This shows that corporate social responsibility (csr) has a significant level of 0.038, which is smaller than 0.05 and t count is 2.180 and t table is 1.703 where t count > t table H0 is rejected. Likewise, profitability has a significant level of 0.043 which is smaller than 0.05 and the calculated t value is 2.119 and t table is 1.703 where t calculated > t table H0 is rejected.