Socialization of Cash Waqf in The Village Community Besilam Langkat


  • Heriyati Chrisna Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Hernawaty Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Neng Sri Wardhani Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


Understanding, Waqf, Cash,


This community service was carried out in the community of Besilam village, Padang Tualang sub-district, Langkat district. Besilam Village, Langkat Regency, is one of the villages assisted by Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi Medan. Community service carried out to the community in this village is the implementation of the results of research that has been done before with the title "Analysis of the Level of Understanding of the Besilam Village Community towards Cash Waqf". Research findings, it turns out that the level of understanding of the Besilam village community in Langkat district towards cash waqf is in the low category. Furthermore, the factors that influence the understanding of the Besilam village community towards cash waqf are religious knowledge, involvement in social / religious organizations and access to information media. Counseling about cash waqf or cash waqf is done to some village officials and some people who have the potential so that it is hoped that later they can initiate the formation of organizations that regulate cash waqf or cash waqf and also pass on information related to cash waqf or cash waqf to other communities. In the future, there is still a need for further counseling related to the formation process that is more specific about the discourse on the formation of cash waqf collecting organizations by inviting cash waqf facilitators or practitioners.




How to Cite

Chrisna, H., Hernawaty, & Sri Wardhani , N. (2024). Socialization of Cash Waqf in The Village Community Besilam Langkat. 1St International Conference Epicentrum of Economic Global Framework, 1(1), 503–507. Retrieved from