Analysis Legal Treatment Law to Detention Which Has Violated Public Order (Case Study: Rudenim Medan)
Treatment Law, Detainee, Violating The Order GeneralAbstract
This study aims to determine: 1) the differences between Deteni and Rudenim and 2) how to implement the treatment of Deteni who violate public order. Types of approaches Which used is study Which nature qualitative. It means is research that describes, explains, analyzes, and develops the legal construction of state sovereignty from an immigration perspective. The results of the research discussion are: 1) Detention based on Law Number 6 of 2003 2011 about Immigration Chapter 1 paragraph 35 is person foreign Residents House Immigration Detention that has received a detention decision from an Immigration official. Foreigners in this case are people who are not Indonesian citizens. While the Immigration Detention House is a Technical Implementation Unit that carries out immigration functions as a place of shelter temporary for person foreign Which charged Action Administrative Immigration. 2) Implementation of legal treatment for detainees who violate public order will depend greatly on on type violation that is done, level its severity, and regulations which applies at the Immigration Detention Center.