Performance Optimization Through Job Promotion
Work Ethics, Competency, Performance, Position Promotion.Abstract
This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of work ethic and competency on employee performance with position promotion as an intervening variable at PT PLN Nusantara Power UP Arun ULPL Pulo Pisang. This research used the PLS-SEM analysis method involving 53 respondents. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires. The data obtained was analyzed and processed using the PLS-SEM analysis program. The results of this research are as follows: Work Ethics has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance with an original sample value of 0.249 and ap value of 0.048. Work Ethics has a positive and significant effect on Position Promotion with an original sample value of 0.338 and ap value of 0.001. Competency has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with an original sample value of 0.310 and ap value of 0.041. Competency has a positive and significant effect on Job Promotion with an original sample value of 0.583 and ap value of 0.000. Job promotion has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with an original sample value of 0.301 and ap value of 0.047. Work Ethics has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance through Position Promotion with a value of 0.102 and a value of 0.087. Competency has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through position promotion with a value of 0.176 and a value of 0.052.