Response of Village Communities to The Use of Home Yard Land


  • Ruth Tarigan Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Tharmizi Hakim Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


Response, Yard land


The village community's response to the use of home yard land can be seen from the community's views and the realization of the use of the yard land. The problem in this research is to see a picture of the use of yard land in the village; What is the relationship and influence of respondents' characteristics on the community's response to the use of yard land. The aim of the research is to see the extent of use of yard land by village communities to determine the relationship and influence of respondent characteristics with community responses to the use of yard land. The research was conducted in Lau Gumba Village, Berastagi District, Karo Regency,.The method for selecting the research area was carried out deliberately. The analytical method used is Chi Square and multiple linear regression analysis. Of the 30 respondents, only 1 person did not plant his yard. Respondents have used their yards with flowers and plants that have economic purposes such as tomatoes and chilies. By processing the data using Chi-Square, the calculated χ2 is greater than the χ2table, so the relationship between age and respondent level is real. The younger the respondent, the lower the response level regarding the use of home yard land. By processing the data using Chi-Square, the calculated χ2 value is greater than the table χ2value. It can be seen that the lower the education, the lower the response to the use of yard land, the relationship between education and response is strong. From the regression analysis, the calculated F value = 2,399 is greater than the F table value of 5% = 2.14. Thus, the characteristics of the respondents simultaneously have a real influence on the community's response to the use of yard land.Conclusion: Respondents have a high opinion of agreement regarding the use of home yard land. The relationship between characteristics and real responses is found in age and education groups. The characteristics of the respondents simultaneously have a real influence on the community's response to the use of yard land.




How to Cite

Tarigan, R., & Hakim , T. (2024). Response of Village Communities to The Use of Home Yard Land . 1St International Conference Epicentrum of Economic Global Framework, 1(1), 191–195. Retrieved from