Socialization of Household Organic Waste Utilization in Ecoenzyme Production in Suka Mulia Village, Secanggang, Langkat Regency
Waste, Organic, Household, SocializationAbstract
Fruit or vegetable peels are examples of organic waste that has undergone fermentation to produce eco-enzymes (EEn). Eco-enzymes products are easy to use, simple to make, and multipurpose. They can be used to clean the environment (environmental sanitation), freshen the air, clean floors, help plants become more nutrient-rich, make the soil more fertile, and clean yourself by taking a bath or brushing your teeth, among other things. Every day, people and population groups in Suka Mulia village, Secanggang sub-district, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra province, generate a significant amount of organic garbage in their homes. Consequently, educating and raising the awareness of these community groups about the need for extra information and skills in order to manage organic waste/waste. As EEn is a multipurpose product that can solve the issue of large amounts of waste or organic waste, especially in households, one of the efforts for the management of organic waste or waste requires additional information and knowledge in the form of socialization and awareness of the community group. The goal of this endeavor is to combat and preserve a clean, healthy environment, which will help to lessen the difficulties associated with environmental contamination. This socialization exercise is conducted through direct practice in addition to lecture and discussion formats. The community can benefit from the outcomes of this EEn manufacturing training by handling organic waste, household garbage, livestock waste, and agricultural waste.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Najla Lubis; Ruth Riah Ate Tarigan, Sufi Rafli Ramadhan, Miswanto
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