Isolation and Antagonist Test of Arabica Coffee Endophyte Bacteria (Coffea Arabica L.) in Inhibiting Upas Fungus Growth (Corticium Salmonicolor B.Et. Br.)


  • Kabul Warsito Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Nur Asmaq Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Indra Irawan Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Muhammad Taupik Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


Endophytic Bacteria, Upas fungus, Microgranules


One of the effective efforts in inhibiting the spread and growth of upas fungus on coffee plants is by using biological control agents utilizing endophytic bacteria. Research on the antagonistic test of endophytic bacteria in inhibiting the growth of upas fungus using a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using different endophytic bacteria in each treatment, endophytic bacteria were obtained from rubber plant leaf isolates. This study had 7 treatments with 2 replications. Endophytic bacteria were characterized based on colony morphology, namely colony shape, height, edge and color, and cell morphology. The selection test of endophytic bacteria obtained was able to inhibit Corticium salmonicolor fungus. The results of the inhibitory power test of endophytic bacterial filtrate against Corticium salmonicolor fungus in vitro showed the largest results shown to be able to inhibit the area of Corticium salmonicolor colonies of 13.20 mm at Sp 5 AR UII and the smallest inhibitor was at Sp2 AR UI 6.10 mm when compared to the control of 45.75 mm.


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How to Cite

Warsito, K., Asmaq, N., Irawan, I., & Taupik, M. (2024). Isolation and Antagonist Test of Arabica Coffee Endophyte Bacteria (Coffea Arabica L.) in Inhibiting Upas Fungus Growth (Corticium Salmonicolor B.Et. Br.). International Conferance Of Digital Sciences And Engineering Technology , 1(1), 186–190. Retrieved from