Design and Construction of Runway Centreline Light Module Module Type LED Using Arduino Uno (Studi Case: West Java International Airport)


  • Ikhwanul Choir Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi
  • Siti Anisa Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Rahmaniar Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


System Lighting Runway, LED Centerline Light, Arduino Uno, Energy Saving, Automation.


This Study aiming for design and build system lighting runway with​ using modified centreline light type LEDs controlled by Arduino Uno at West Java International Airport. The system This designed for increase efficiency energy and comfort in operational flights, especially during the take - off process takeoff and landing. Lighting conventional runways that use​ neon or halogen lamps require consumption high power and no​ efficient. Therefore, that, system This propose use of LEDs as solution more explanation​ economical energetic and friendly environment. Modification system lighting using Arduino Uno aims for arrange lighting in a way automatic based on arrival aircraft, as well as give convenience for pilots in control light runway through​ signal sent​ with use input devices, such as switch or RF transmitter. System This is also equipped with LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor for detect time (day / night) and rain sensor for give information condition weather that can influence safety flight. Research results show that system This succeed control LED lights in automatic, save energy, and increase efficiency operational at the airport. Testing to system this also shows that LED light on in a way automatic at night day and turned off moment Afternoon day, and can activated in accordance need without involving staff airport. System This give effective solution​ for lighting runway at the airport with source Power limited and can applied to airports small or areas in need efficiency energy. In the future, the system This can developed more carry on with integration more technology​ advanced and improved ability detection weather for support safety more optimal flight.


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How to Cite

Choir, I., Anisa, S., & Rahmaniar. (2024). Design and Construction of Runway Centreline Light Module Module Type LED Using Arduino Uno (Studi Case: West Java International Airport). International Conferance Of Digital Sciences And Engineering Technology , 1(1), 268–276. Retrieved from