Effect of Load Cell Load Calibration on Electric Wheelchair
Load calibration, load cell, electric wheelchair, movement response, effective operation.Abstract
This study aims to analyze the effect of load cell calibration on the response of electric wheelchairs in responding to changes in the user's body position. Load cells, as the main component in measuring loads, have a crucial role in ensuring the operation of electric wheelchairs is effective and safe. This study explores how proper calibration can affect the wheelchair's ability to adjust to changes in load that occur due to variations in the user's body position and weight. In addition, this study also identifies the effect of load cell measurement accuracy on the effectiveness and comfort of electric wheelchair operation. The results show that proper load calibration improves the responsiveness of the wheelchair to user commands, ensures load stability, and improves comfort in wheelchair use. Decreased load cell measurement accuracy can cause inaccuracy in operation, which has an impact on reducing the quality of user mobility. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that accurate and regular load cell calibration is essential to improve the effectiveness and safety of electric wheelchair use.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Simon P.T. Siadari; Pristisal Wibowo, Haris Gunawan
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