Implementation of The Jigsaw Learning Model In Improving Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes
This research is entitled Implementation of the Jigsaw Learning Model in Increasing Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes. This research is qualitative research as a data collection technique: 1). Observation suggests that observation is a complex process, a process composed of various biological and psychological processes. 2). Interviews to exchange information and ideas through questions and answers, so that meaning can be constructed on a particular topic. 3). Documentation, records of events that have passed, documentation can be in the form of writing, drawings, or someone's monumental works. .In this research, researchers used data analysis techniques proposed by Milis and Huberman. Where researchers carry out analysis techniques in two ways. The first way, researchers carry out direct analysis during the research process, either interviews or observations. The second way, researchers carry out an analysis after collecting data in a certain period through three stages including: Data Reduction (Data Selection), Data Display (Data Presentation) and Conclusion Drawing/Vertification (Conclusion Drawing). The results of this research. Based on the results of research on the application of the Jigsaw model in SD/MI, Bulu Cina Village, Kec. Perak Perak District. Deli Serdang can be concluded that the application of the Jigsaw model is more fun to apply, students really like exchanging opinions with fellow experts and home groups, changes in the way students learn are caused by students being required to be able to master the material given by the teacher. By applying the Jigsaw model , the teacher does not play an active role in explaining the material because of the division of home and expert groups. Apart from that, students' knowledge and character can be assessed while home and expert group discussions are taking place.
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