The Naqsabandi Tarikat Is A Tarikat With Elements of Muhammad Which Was Printed By His Friends and Guardians For Herterately


  • Syarifuddin Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan


Naqsbandi Order, Zikr, Elements of Muhammad



The Naqsbandi congregation is one of the congregations that is widely spread, generally in Asia, Usbekstan (Bukhara), Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the regions of Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

This congregation prioritizes understanding the nature and Sufism which contains elements of understanding the soul which are capable of specific spiritual intelligence, by doing as much dhikr as possible using the method of dhikr of the heart (hudurun heart/presenting the heart).

The Naqsbandi Order began in Bukhara, (the author actually visited Bukahara), this Order began to spread to neighboring areas of the Muslim world within a hundred years. Before Taekat Naqsabandi under the leadership of Saidi Shaikh Bahauddin there were several sheikhs who had developed the Taekat in this part of Usbekstan. From the results of the author's visit to Usbekistan, there were approximately 13 Shaikhs who had been leaders or disciples of religious congregations in the surrounding country of Usbekistan. Like Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi Mujaddidi Alf-i Tsani (Reformer of the second millennium). By the end of the 18th century, the name was almost synonymous with the Tariqat throughout South Asia, the Ottoman region, and much of Central Asia. The salient characteristics of the Naqshbandiyah Order are strict adherence to the Shari'ah, seriousness in worship, and prioritization of dhikr in the heart.

Reciting dhikr with elements of Muhammad is "condebsed" from the two sentences of the creed, which must be present in every service, this element of Muhammad is inherited by the Apostles and all Ambiyas, without the element (Muhammad) of course the saints would not will become Wasil, because his channel to Allah will not exist. This element of Muhammad must also be continued until the end of time in the spiritual self of every Muslim only then will he be able to become a caliph of Allah on earth because he has inherited both,

Key words: Naqsbandi Order, Zikr and Elements of Muhammad




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