Analysis of the Development Potential of Economic Growth Centers in Strategic Areas in Batubara District, North Sumatra Province
Economic Development, Economic GrowthAbstract
This study aims to analyze the potential development of economic growth centers in strategic areas in Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra Province. This district is known to have a diversity of economic potential, ranging from natural resources, industrial sectors, tourism, to the creative economy. Through a holistic approach, this study identifies key factors that can advance regional economic growth. The research method used is descriptive by collecting data through literature studies, field observations, and quantitative data analysis. The results of the analysis describe the abundant potential of natural resources, the important role of the processing industry sector, and the opportunities offered by the tourism and creative economy sectors. It was found that Batu Bara Regency has great potential to become the center of economic growth in the North Sumatra region. The diversity of economic sectors provides opportunities for sustainable development by involving collaboration between governments, entrepreneurs, and local communities. Despite challenges such as tourism and infrastructure management, improvement and innovation efforts are expected to increase the economic competitiveness of Coal Regency. In conclusion, Coal District has a strong foundation for sustainable, inclusive, and innovative economic development. By optimizing its potential and overcoming existing challenges, this region can make a significant contribution to economic growth at the local and regional levels.
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