Analysis of The Use of Pid Control System By Way of Simulink
PID Control System, SimulinkAbstract
In control systems, there are several known types of control actions, such as proportional control actions, integral control actions, and derivative control actions. Each of these control measures has its own advantages. The action of proportional control has the advantages of rapid risetime. The action of integral control has advantages in reducing errors. While the action of derivative control has advantages in reducing errors or reducing overshoot/undershoot. Thus, as a result, these three control measures are united into one, namely the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control action. Determination of PID controller parameters so that the close loop system meets the desired criteria is called controller tuning. This PID control tuning aims to determine the action parameters of proportional, integrative, and derivative control. This process can be done by trial and error. The advantage of this method is that we do not need to identify plants, make mathematical models of plants, determine plant parameters graphically or analytically. It is enough to try to give the constant P-I-D to the PID formula so that the desired result is obtained by referring to the characteristics of each P-I-D control.
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