


Oysther mushroom, nugget, halal food,


Oyster mushrooms are an alternative food ingredient to replace meat that contain lots of protein, fiber and other nutrients. One of the processed products that can be consumed is oyster mushroom nuggets. Vemush (Vegetarian mushroom) is a processed product from oyster mushrooms which is made into nuggets as an alternative to meat for vegetarian consumers. Vegetarianism has become a trend for millennials in the era of society 5.0. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor in the form of flour formulation: tapioca. The variables used in this research were 5 types of sample variations with 3 repetitions. The results of the research showed that the highest texture value was shown in the 60 gr flour treatment and the lowest was in the 5.4 gr flour treatment. Water content analysis showed that the 25% wheat flour formulation treatment contained 54.7% water and the lowest was 52.70% in the 75% wheat treatment. Protein analysis showed that the highest levels were in the 100% wheat treatment with a protein content of 6.59% and the lowest were in the 25% treatment at 3.65%.


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