Automatic Floodlight Control (Autofcon) on Apron Floodlight (Case Study of Class III UPBU Namrole Airport)


  • Riski Handayani Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Siti Anisah Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Beni Satria Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi


Automatic Floodlight Control (Autofcon), Apron Floodlight


Floodlight is a lamp that is installed in the parking stand area with certain conditions to illuminate the Apron area if the Apron requires lighting and is intended for use at night. General floodlights are provided by airports, while additional lighting can be provided by airlines to suit special activities. In Annex 14 for the recommended location Floodlight on the Apron must be located in such a way as to provide adequate lighting in the Apron area served. This research was conducted at Namrole Airport, Maluku. This study aims to find out the work system and procedures for maintaining equipment at the airport, especially in the field of airport electrical engineering and create a forward and structured mindset and build communication and cooperation in the world of work with other colleagues. The research method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques carried out using observation, documentation and drawing conclusions. From the results of solving problems with Floodlight at Namrole Airport, Maluku, it can be concluded that Autofcon uses Photo Cell Sensor in its working system. Autofcon provides automatic lighting during bad weather, as well as changes to the night to facilitate activities to turn on the lights so that it is more time efficient and prevents incidents when there is movement on the apron side. appron Floodlight provisions are regulated in PR 21 Kemenhub 2023 regarding providing sufficient lighting throughout the apron service area.


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How to Cite

Handayani, R., Anisah, S., & Satria, B. (2024). Automatic Floodlight Control (Autofcon) on Apron Floodlight (Case Study of Class III UPBU Namrole Airport). International Conferance Of Digital Sciences And Engineering Technology , 1(1), 204–211. Retrieved from