The Role of Stakeholders in Managing the Public Open Space Area of Bangkatan, Binjai City
Public Open Space, Management, Stakeholders, Partnership, Binjai CityAbstract
The Bangkatan Public Open Space (RTP) is a public area that runs along the Bangkatan River boundary in Binjai City. Although it has several supporting facilities, the area remains uncomfortable for community use. Therefore, the role of various stakeholders is essential to ensure this space is accessible, safe, and comfortable for all members of society. This research employs a descriptive qualitative method to identify and analyze the roles of stakeholders in managing the Bangkatan RTP. Key stakeholders include the Binjai City Government, the community as the primary stakeholders, and the private sector as supporting stakeholders. Their roles encompass Policy Creator, Coordinator, Facilitator, Implementer, and Accelerator. Partnerships among stakeholders are built to ensure effective communication and coordination, aiming for efficient RTP management. Strong partnerships among all parties are needed to create a public open space that benefits social activities, recreation, education, and environmental preservation. Regular performance evaluations through meetings are also necessary to enhance management effectiveness.
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