The Influence of Spatial Patterns on Licensing and Development in Langkat Regency
Spatial Patterns, Licensing, Development in Langkat RegencyAbstract
This research aims to examine the influence of spatial patterns on licensing and development in Langkat Regency. The study is descriptive with a qualitative approach, utilizing both primary and secondary data. Primary data collection was conducted through interviews, while secondary data was gathered from various literature sources, including legislation, books, scholarly works, papers, articles, lecture materials, mass media, and other sources. The data analysis technique follows the steps outlined [1] which include Data Collection, Data Reduction, Data Presentation, Verification, and Conclusion Drawing. The study’s findings indicate that development activities related to spatial patterns and licensing must be balanced by government roles in regulating and controlling spatial use through various policies and regional spatial planning guidelines. The limited availability of space and the evolving public understanding of the importance of spatial planning necessitate a transparent, effective, and participatory spatial planning process. Maintaining a healthy and well-preserved ecosystem is a shared responsibility of both the public and the state. Public involvement in enhancing environmental resilience is highly encouraged. Therefore, development must be undertaken wisely, with an environmental perspective to ensure sustainability for the well-being of current and future generations. Controlling spatial use is a crucial activity in the implementation of regional spatial planning.
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