Implementation of Sustainable Development Planning for the Tourism Sector in Langkat Regency
Planning, Sustainable Development and Sustainable Tourism SectorAbstract
This research aims to examine the Implementation of Sustainable Development Planning for the Tourism Sector in Langkat Regency. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques in this study include: Primary data collection techniques and secondary data collection techniques. The data analysis process begins by examining all available data from various sources, namely from interviews, observations that have been written in field maps, personal documents, official documents, images, photographs, and so on. The data validity check technique used in this study is the Triangulation technique. Research results In the aspect of Environmental Factors, development in the existing environment is still lacking. In the aspect of Planner Human Resources, cooperation is needed in planning future development for existing tourist attractions. From the aspect of the System Used, the government is already in the planning stage by using the medium term to achieve a good tourism development, so that it can be in demand by many tourists. From the aspect of the Development of Science and Technology, for visitors in seeing the existing development planning, in this case, many visitors are fascinated to see the existing natural beauty. From the aspect of the Funding factor, about how the budgeting or funds carried out in tourism development are included in the APBD, and this is also included in the regional budget to add to better development planning in the future.
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